INL – INAIL Agreement: Steps forward in terms of supervision and prevention

09 September 2022

On August 2, 2022, there were further developments in the field of prevention. The agreement signed between the two institutes responsible for the supervision and management of accidents at work, namely respectively INL (National Labour Inspectorate) and INAIL (National Institute for Insurance Against Accidents at Work), established the sharing and use of data collected by a registration system suitable for planning and evaluating the supervisory activity of the two institutions. The system has faced many difficulties in the last 14 years .


The content of the agreement, salient parts:

  • The telematic services available to INAIL will be made available to the INL, free of charge, such as “Information Flows, Exhibition Register and Accident Dashboard”.
  • The services will always be accessible, unless otherwise provided by INAIL.
  • INAIL will monitor access and procedures for accessing and using data, also carrying out sample control activities to verify compliance with the correct access methods.

If anomalies are found, documents and clarifications relating to the dispute may be requested.

  • There is an exemption from liability of INAIL for inaccuracies of information, out-of-court dispute and / or judicial dispute that may arise from data communications as well as from the processing of data carried out in a manner or for purposes that are not lawful, correct and transparent in accordance with the provisions of articles 5 and 6 of the EU Data Protection Regulation.
  • The agreement is for a five-year period.


Source INAIL

download accordo completo - [ 555 KB - pdf ]

download tecnico flussi informativi - [ 582 KB - pdf ]

download tecnico registro esposizioni - [ 561 KB - pdf ]

download tecnico cruscotto infortuni - [ 552 KB - pdf ]


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