Inail and ISTAT: focus on the female world in the workplace

10 March 2023

A look, given the recent International Women’s Day, at what are the consolidated data collected by Inail and ISTAT with respect to the female component in the world of work.

To date, the presence in the world of work with regard to the female component is determined by the presence of children in the family unit. In 2021, the employment rate for women  (25-49 years) without children is 73.9 % and 53.9 % for women with at least one child under the age of 6. A component that for the men’s sector does not lead to a reduction in the employment rate.

In 2021 there are about 205 thousand reports of accidents of which 80% of female workers suffer an accident in the workplace while 20% of cases are attributable to traveling trips, a percentage that increases dramatically for deaths and is double compared to the male sector. In the last five years the share of commuting accidents is higher for women, on average 10% more than that of men, even for fatal cases the average is higher by about 20% more.

Referring to the five-year period, Monday is the one in which a quarter of accidents occur at work. From the analysis of the Inail monitoring company, the age group most affected by fatal accidents is that of the over 59s, a percentage that has risen in the last five years.

Occupational diseases reported by female workers in 2021 are about 23.4% more than in the previous year. 77.5% of the pathologies reported by female workers are concentrated in the management of Industry and services, 20.6% in agriculture and 1.9% in the State account.

In 2021, diseases  of the  bone and muscle system and connective tissue continued to affect the entire workforce, accounting for 82% of all disorders along with diseases of the nervous system. However, behind this average result there are notable differences between men and women. While the aforementioned conditions accounted for 78% of all workers’ complaints, the same percentage was 92% for female workers. Although women are increasingly present in all areas of activity, even in traditionally male-dominated sectors, the way gender is specified in musculoskeletal risk assessments is still rare. In fact, as Inail Data points out, the same technical standards for the assessment of this risk do not introduce any indication of gender specification. Only in the case of manual handling of baggage, there is a gender distinction in the maximum weight to be handled and also in relation to age, but the indications provided are incomplete. Further data collection and guidelines leading to effective and gender-specific preventive measures are therefore needed.


Source: INAIL –


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