Eu-Osha : Healthy and safe workplaces

16 December 2022

The auditorium of the Directorate General of Inail on Monday morning was the setting for the final national event of the 2020-2022 edition of the “Healthy and safe workplaces” campaign, promoted by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (Eu-OSHA), of which the Institute is Focal point for Italy through the coordination of the Central Prevention Directorate,  and dedicated to musculoskeletal disorders, with the slogan “Let’s lighten the load!”. “The campaign launched on 12 October 2020 in Brussels – explained the president of Inail, Franco Bettoni in the opening greeting – aimed to raise public awareness and institutions on work-related musculoskeletal disorders, from which, according to the most recent statistics, over five million workers suffer, confirming the fact that it is the most common work-related health problem in Europe”. “The Institute – continued Bettoni – is always happy to make its technical and scientific knowledge available to EU-OSHA  to share it with a qualified community of experts in health and safety at work at European level and transfer the important results of the research activities promoted by the Institute, stimulating new study paths, through close collaboration between all the partners of the network,  also at the territorial level”. The 2020-2022 campaign, in particular, in Italy was promoted in collaboration with the Ministries of Labor and Health, the Higher Institute of Health, the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, Cgil, Cisl, Uil, Ugl, employers’ representative organizations and Anmil.

“The logic behind this campaign – said the Director General of Inail, Andrea Tardiola – is the same that has characterized the Institute’s initiative throughout the year, namely the need to stay on the network, to address the issue of continuous updating, risk analysis and innovative solutions to be identified to minimize them or eliminate them completely,  through partnerships and collaborations. Security is a European battle and therefore on our part there is the need to have as a reference the numbers, performances, problems and solutions of the other large countries with which we are confronted. The final event of the European campaign, underlined Ester Rotoli, Inail Central Director of Prevention and manager of the EU-OSHA Italy Focal Point, “is not only a celebration, but also an important moment of dissemination of knowledge, because the good practices developed by institutions and companies must be disseminated to ensure that they are also adopted in other contexts. The commitment we assume together with the tripartite network, in which the competent institutions and social partners are represented, is to take an active part in the Ministry  of Labour so that the activity carried out within the Permanent Consultative Commission for the recognition and certification of the value of practices acted as good practices that can be exported to other companies is recovered”.

As summarized by Francesca Grosso, Inail representative of the European Eu-OSHA campaigns, the campaign on musculoskeletal disorders “gave the opportunity to raise awareness, create synergies and spread scientific knowledge, through publications and events organized in the area, also thanks to the contribution of the Regional Directorates of the Institute, to be translated into concrete actions and real work tools useful to companies”. Recalling the key points of the discussion that took place on 14 and 15 November in Bilbao, on the occasion of the Healthy Workplaces Summit that officially closed the campaign at European level, Maurizio Curtarelli, EU-OSHA project manager, stressed that “disability in people with chronic musculoskeletal disorders can be prevented or reduced with timely and appropriate management,  to avoid the exit of the person from employment and the labor market”. Anticipating the contents of the next European campaign dedicated to the impact of new digital technologies on work, which will start in 2023 and continue until 2025, Curtarelli explained that “it will be divided into five priority areas: work on a digital platform, advanced robotics and artificial intelligence, teleworking, also analyzing the dynamics of hybrid work,  partly in presence and partly remotely, the management of workers through artificial intelligence and the use of intelligent devices for the prevention and improvement of health and safety at work”. In terms of resources, the campaign will develop and disseminate, like the one just ended, publications and materials that will be available to all partners, starting from the videos  of Napo, protagonist of a series of cartoons that introduce topics related to risk prevention in a witty and stimulating way, and the award for the enhancement of good practices.

The good practices promoted by Italian companies for the prevention and management of musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace, presented during yesterday’s event, include the projects of Servizi Italia Spa and Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia Spa, already awarded by Eu-Osha among the companies that have distinguished themselves at European level for their commitment to the active identification of risks and the implementation of innovative and effective solutions. The good practice of Servizi Italia, a leading company in the field of integrated services in the health sector, concerns in particular the creation of more ergonomic workstations in its industrial laundries, starting from a risk assessment with wearable wifi technology  for computerized analysis of postures, carried out in collaboration with ErgoCert , certification body for ergonomics. The need for an active involvement of workers in risk assessment and in the implementation of procedures and ergonomic changes for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders was reiterated several times also during the presentation of the other good practices awarded at national level, which were carried out by the Puglia Region, Asl of Bari, Department of Prevention and Spesal  Area Nord, Lamberti Spa, Azienda ospedaliero-universitaria Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino – Presidio Molinette, Istituto auxologico italiano (Piancavallo headquarters) and Gruppo Ecosafety Srl, Oerlikon Friction Systems (Italy)  Srl, Feralpi Group, Amazon Italia Logistica  Srl, Aifos Service, Associazione culturale Igiea  , Association for the safety of construction workers of Milan, Lodi, Monza and Brianza (Asle-Rlst), Cremona Building School and National Council of the Order

Fonte: Inail –


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