CPI when to do it and why?

05 March 2021

Among the topics most dealt with in the safety field, we find the fire prevention certificate (CPI), which certifies compliance with the requirements of the fire prevention legislation as well as the existence of fire safety requirements in the premises, activities, warehouses, plants and industries that hold o use flammable, flammable or explosive products and which, in the event of fire, pose serious dangers to the safety of life and property.

But who issues the certificate and how long does it last?

Our dear firefighters. We must also remember that the periodic renewal certificate of fire safety compliance that, every 5 years, the business owner is required to send to the command, is carried out through a declaration certifying the absence of changes to the fire safety conditions accompanied by documentation. provided for by the Ministerial Decree 7 August 2012. The Command issues a simultaneous receipt of the submission of the declaration. For the activities referred to in numbers 6, 7, 8, 64, 71, 72 and 77 of Annex I, the frequency is set at 10 years. If there are not the full requirements of compliance with the provisions of the technical rules in force, the interested parties, in the manner established by the D.M. August 7, 2012 may submit an application to the Command for derogation from compliance with fire regulations.

Don’t think it’s mandatory for everyone. In fact, Annex 1 of Presidential Decree n. 151/2011 contains a list of 80 activities, considered at greater risk in the event of a fire, therefore subject to fire prevention controls, commonly referred to as “Activities subject” to CPI.

  1. Category A: it is not mandatory to ask the Fire Brigade to evaluate the project. The inspections by the Fire Brigade are carried out on a sample basis; in the event of an inspection, the owner of the business may request the release of the technical inspection report. These are regulated activities, i.e. with a ‘technical rule’ and with a limited level of complexity;
  2. Category B: it is mandatory to ask the Fire Brigade to evaluate the project. The inspections by the Fire Brigade are always carried out on a sample basis; in the event of an inspection, the owner of the business may request the release of the technical inspection report. These are activities present in category A (with a “technical rule”) but with a higher level of complexity or activities without a technical rule, but with a lower level of complexity than the subsequent category C;
  3. Category C: it is mandatory to ask the Fire Brigade to evaluate the project. The inspections by the Fire Brigade are compulsorily carried out, at the end of which the Fire Prevention Certificate is issued. These are activities with a high level of complexity, regardless of the presence of a “technical rule”.

If the activities subject to fire prevention controls (all: A-B-C) have characteristics that do not allow full compliance with the technical fire prevention rules in force, the interested parties, in the manner established by the Ministerial Decree August 7, 2012 may submit an application to the Command for derogation from compliance with the fire regulations.

The Command examines the application and sends it within 30 days to the Regional Directorate which pronounces itself within 60 days of receipt of the request, and simultaneously communicates it to the Command.

On November 27, 2012 the D.M. 7 August 2012 laying down provisions for the methods of submitting applications for fire prevention proceedings and the documentation to be attached. It repealed and replaced the D.M. May 4, 1998.

The project evaluation application must contain:

1 General information and address of the applicant or legal representative
2 Specification of the main subject activities and any secondary subject activities
3 Location envisaged for the construction of the works
4 General information on the main activity and any secondary activities and indications of the type of intervention in the project
4 Technical documentation, signed by a qualified technician, in compliance with the provisions of Annex I
5 Certificate of payment

The Certified Commencement Report must contain:

1 General information and address of the applicant or legal representative
2 Specification of main and secondary subject activities
3 Declaration of commitment to comply with the obligations associated with the exercise of the business
4 Certification, signed by a qualified technician, certifying the compliance of the activity with the fire prevention requirements
5 Certifications and declarations provided for in Annex II
6 For activities subject to cat. A, technical report and drawings, signed by a qualified technician
7 Certificate of payment


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