Budget Bill 2022, climate: what it foresees!

19 November 2021

This is not a fad, nor is it a slogan. We are seeing this in recent years, and we are finally becoming aware that climate change depends above all on mankind.
But if a short time ago Greta Thunberg shouted, on 1 October 2021 in Milan, “Hope does not depend on politicians who talk (Blah, blah, blah) and not even on the immobility of empty promises…”, about thirty days later, at the G20, the response of Prime Minister Mario Draghi was not long in coming: “Many people say they are tired of blah, blah, blah, but I think this summit was full of substance. We filled words with substance.

But an important step was taken with the European Commission’s proposal “to make EU climate, energy, land use and taxation policies fit for purpose of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 % by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. Achieving these reductions in the near future is crucial for Europe to become the first climate neutral continent by 2050 and for the European Green Deal to become a reality. With today’s proposals, the Commission is putting forward the legislative tools to meet the targets set in the legislation and radically transform our economy and society to build a fair, green and prosperous future.” (source: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/it/ip_21_3541)

In Italy, on the other hand, work on the official text opened in the Senate on 16 November: some 219 articles for a total of EUR 30 billion and a month to close the approval process.
Article 128 of the draft budget for 2022 proposes the establishment of an Italian Climate Fund, with an endowment of 840 million euros for each of the years 2022 to 2026 and 40 million from 2027 (for a total of about 5.7 billion euros), which can be increased with the financial contribution of public or private, national or international entities.

However, this is not the only article that aims to combat pollution and help companies in the green sector.
In fact, Article 128 provides for the Industrial Transition Fund, with an endowment of €150 million from 2022, which will support green investments by companies, particularly those operating in energy-intensive sectors.
Not only the climate
If the central theme is the climate, we must not underestimate that pollution causes more victims in Italy than in other European countries: in 2019 Italy was in first place in Europe for deaths from nitrogen dioxide and second for risks from fine particulate matter PM2.5 and ozone. (data source: EEA)
We just have to wait for the end of the process. But in the meantime we can do our part.
1 Separate waste collection;
2 Reduce the use of air conditioners and heaters;
3 Energy savings: Use only the light we need, and don’t waste it;
4 Water: When using washing machines and dishwashers, prefer the ecological cycle or the short cycle, but always at full load;
5 Paper: You can use paper certified with international labels that guarantee the responsible management of forests according to environmental, social and economic standards;
6 Food: Most food waste, over 40%, occurs in the home, the rest during production or distribution;
7Transport: Public transport? Definitely better than the private car. For cost and environmental reasons;
8Trees: Planting a tree is a fundamental gesture to express the will to take care of our planet.


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