A Safer World: The International Labor Organization promotes safety in the workplace

12 May 2023

Imagine a world where workers in every sector can carry out their duties in safe and sustainable environments, without fear of accidents or occupational diseases. This vision is becoming a reality thanks to the efforts of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which has launched a global campaign to promote occupational safety and health around the world.

The International Labor Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations dealing with work-related issues, including workplace safety. Founded in 1919, the main objective of the ILO is to promote social justice and human and labor rights internationally. To achieve this goal, the ILO develops and promotes policies, programs and regulations aimed at improving occupational safety and health.

One of the ILO’s main tools for promoting occupational safety is the development of international conventions and recommendations. These tools provide guidelines and standards for governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations to improve workplace safety globally. By promoting social dialogue and cooperation between all stakeholders, the ILO seeks to ensure that occupational safety is a priority in every country and sector.


The ILO campaign: an overview

The International Labor Organization, a United Nations agency dedicated to promoting social justice and workers’ rights, has embarked on an ambitious mission to improve workplace safety globally. The campaign aims to raise public awareness of the importance of creating safe and sustainable working environments, encouraging employers to implement preventive measures and comply with international standards.

The role of training and innovation

Training of workers and employers is a crucial element of the ILO campaign. The organization encourages the dissemination of information and educational resources to help companies effectively identify and manage occupational safety risks. Furthermore, the ILO supports the adoption of innovative technologies and artificial intelligence-based solutions to prevent accidents and improve working conditions.

The commitment to sustainability

Sustainability is another key aspect of the ILO campaign. The organization is committed to promoting environmentally responsible practices and encouraging employers to consider the environmental impact of their activities. This integrated approach aims to ensure a greener and safer future for all workers and future generations.

Engage young workers

Young workers are an important target for the ILO campaign, as they are often exposed to greater risks in the workplace. The organization aims to engage young people through specific initiatives, such as training programs and apprenticeship opportunities, to ensure they too can benefit from safe and sustainable working environments.

Development of international standards and guidelines

Involvement of workers in promoting safety in the workplace is essential for creating a safe and healthy work environment. Workers are often the first to identify the risks and challenges present in their working environment and can make valuable contributions to improve working conditions.

The ILO encourages the active participation of workers in promoting occupational safety through social dialogue and collaboration with employers and institutions. Workers can participate in occupational safety and health committees, contribute to the definition of prevention and training policies and programs, and report any dangers or violations of occupational safety regulations.

The involvement of workers in promoting safety in the workplace not only improves working conditions, but also increases the awareness and responsibility of all members of the organization regarding occupational risks. Furthermore, the active participation of workers can help build a culture of prevention and establish a climate of trust and cooperation between employers and employees.

Recently, there have been several developments and reflections regarding workplace safety. For example, one study examined the concept of psychosocial risk and its management within the workplace [1]. This approach highlights the importance of considering not only the physical risks in the workplace, but also the psychological and social ones that can affect workers’ health and well-being.

Gianni Rosas, the Director of the ILO Office, discussed the old and new occupational safety and health challenges emerging in the current context. It is important that technicians, employers and workers are aware of these challenges and work together to address them and ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

Meanwhile, the International Labor Organization (ILO) has reported that there are an estimated 2.8 million workplace deaths worldwide. This figure underlines the crucial importance of continuing to work to improve occupational safety and health globally.

In summary, the technicians involved in the ILO project are aware of the challenges in occupational safety and are committed to promoting the safety and health of workers worldwide. It is essential that all stakeholders work together to address the challenges, both physical and psychosocial, and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all.

The International Labor Organization’s campaign represents an important step towards creating a safer world for workers in every sector. Through awareness raising, training and innovation, the ILO is committed to ensuring that everyone can work in safe and sustainable environments, helping to build a better future for generations to come. Let’s all do our part to support this initiative, because a safer world is a better world for everyone.


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