11560 2022: Design and documents of an anchoring system

15 July 2022

The revision of the 11560 standard has brought changes that mainly concern three points, as already mentioned in our previous article (click here)

  • the documentation accompanying the anchoring system, starting from the design;
  • the figures involved in the installation, inspection and maintenance processes;
  • the checks to be carried out during the inspection phase.

In detail, we are going to discuss the innovations introduced in relation to the aspects related to the design and documentation accompanying the anchoring system.

Within Chapter 7 “Design and implementation of an anchoring system” ofstandard 11560:2022, the phases relating to the process of designing and implementing a permanent anchoring system are described. These phases contain in summary:

a) the design of the configuration of the anchoring system carried out by the designer of the anchoring system;

b)examination of the instruction and installation manual of the chosen devices (with indications of the loads transferred to the anchors and support structures);

c) intervention of the structural designer to evaluate and verify the type of anchor to the support structure according to the type of material of the structure, with static verification and / or declaration of static suitability of the support structure itself;

d) installation of the anchoring system with reference to the project, to the indications contained in the manual and in the verification of the structural designer;

c) declaration of correct installation by the installer;

d) orderly archiving of the above documentation by the client.

The standard specifies that, in the documentation referred to in points a), c) and e) “there must be at least the graphic drawing with the planimetric arrangement of the system and any indications of use, the general descriptive report of the system, the structural calculation report and the photographic documentation of the fixing of the devices .

In these lines lies the novelty, compared to the 2014 edition, or the obligation to present, among the documentation accompanying the system, the elements that make up the E. T. C.  (Technical Elaboration of the Coverage) and the Calculation Report, both signed by a qualified technician.

In fact, the standard identifies two figures responsible for drawing up the project of the configuration of the anchoring system and the structural verification (calculation report):

  • the first is the designer of the anchoring system, or a “technician qualified to assess the risks appointed by the client to draw up the project of the configuration of the anchoring system as a preventive and protective measure supplied with the work, for the subsequent planned and / or planned interventions”;
  • the second is the structural designer, or a “qualified technician designated by the customer for the verification of the structural suitability to the load forces transmitted by the anchoring system to the support structure, as per the design values reported in the manufacturer’s manual, and for the verification of the anchors to the support structure itself.


Spider Linea Vita ® manufacturer of fall protection systems, present on the market since 2005, with specific certifications (ISO 9001: 2015 – ISO 14001: 2015 – ISO 45001: 2018) offers a series of services that are already in line with all the provisions of UNI 11560: 2022 standard, thus ensuring high quality services.


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