111th Session of the International Labour Conference: A Comprehensive Framework for Inclusive Labour Protection Unveiled

14 July 2023

The 111th session of the International Labour Conference, held in Geneva in 2023, marked a significant step in improving labour protection globally. The conference focused on progress and challenges in ensuring inclusive, adequate, and efficient labour protection for all workers amidst transformative changes in the world of work and multiple crises.

Recognising obstacles such as informality, exclusion of vulnerable groups, and inadequate labour protection for workers in new forms of work, the conference outlined a comprehensive action framework. This framework emphasised social dialogue, fundamental principles and rights at work, and coherent policies to address the main causes of exclusion and extend labour protection to all workers.

Key strategies outlined in the framework include:

  • Developing coherent policy responses to promote an environment for sustainable businesses in order to generate productive and quality jobs and decent work.
  • Ensuring correct classification of employment relationships.
  • Implementing policies and strategies to limit working hours and overtime, preserve work-life balance, including promoting flexible work arrangements and protection for worker disconnect.
  • Strengthening efforts to reduce gender inequality in the world of work, including addressing structural barriers to women’s access to quality jobs and promoting equal remuneration for work of equal value.
  • Adopting policies, regulations, and other measures that facilitate work transitions that benefit from inclusive, adequate, and effective labour protection.
  • Promoting Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) strategies aimed at zero work-related deaths and prevention of occupational accidents and diseases.
  • Ensuring adequate minimum wages, statutory or negotiated, that are regularly updated.
  • Continuously strengthening and adapting labour inspections to adequately address emerging and existing labour issues, including through enhancing the number, skills, and resources of labour inspectors.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) was urged to strengthen support to members through technical assistance, knowledge development, and capacity building. In response, the ILO commits to taking these conclusions into account in resource allocation, preparation of future programmes and budgets, and communication of these conclusions to relevant international and regional organizations.

Achieving inclusive labour protection is a complex task that requires multifaceted strategies and the involvement of multiple stakeholders. However, with the continued commitment of organizations like the ILO and proactive measures taken by governments worldwide, the goal of inclusive labour protection seems attainable. The 111th session of the International Labour Conference has undoubtedly laid the groundwork for a more inclusive and protected global workforce.


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